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Tualatin Youth Basketball Assoc.

Home of the Timberwolves


Youth Rec Timeline-
- Registration closes on October 27th
- Teams are announced by October 29th
- Coaches' Meeting on October 30th
- Practices start the week of November 4th
- Game start on December 7th

Registration is OPEN!!  If you need to decide which program to register for, scroll down to read more, or please reach out!  

Registration opens soon!  Check back often to register early! 

Also, we are changing our Evaluation Day process.
Elementary School athletes will no longer be participating in Evaluations.  Teams will be formed by attended school and will be put together by TYBA board members. 
Middle School athletes will still have an Evaluation Day to help balance teams.  More information on that to come!


Rec or Competitive Ball?

If your student athlete is in grades 4th through 8th and you are trying to decide if they should tryout for Competitive Ball, sign up for Rec Ball, or sign up for both (just in case they don’t make the team), let TYBA clarify the process!

If your athlete wants to tryout for Competitive Ball, register for Competitive Ball only.  When you sign up for Competitive Ball, you are registering for tryouts with no fees.  Should your athlete be offered a spot on the team, and they accept, then the Competitive fees would be charged.  If your athlete is not offered a spot, or they decide to decline the invitation to Competitive Ball, then their Competitive Ball registration will be deleted, and you have an opportunity to sign them up for Rec Ball before the evaluation day (see the "Youth Rec Evals" section on this page for more information).  If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Youth Rec VP (Board of Directors contact info is found here).

Rec Ball Description & Eligibility

TYBA organizes teams/divisions by school grades.  Whichever grade your athlete is registered in their school is the grade level TYBA considers.  At any level, we are developing athletes in the game of basketball; therefore, we do not allow players to play up in higher grade levels (rare exceptions are made, and are decided by the Board of Directors).

Our Rec program
 offers a recreational basketball experience for players in grades 3rd-12th (Youth 3rd-8th, and High School 9th-12th)*.  All interested players in these grades are welcome to participate!  There are no “bench warmers” in the program, as every player plays at least half of every game.  This program is designed to provide the basic skills and understanding to play basketball, as well as to have FUN in a positive sports environment.

Players in grades 4th-8th that with above average skills and live within the Tualatin High School boundary are encouraged to tryout for our Competitive Basketball teams.  Players in High School with above average skills are also encouraged to tryout for the Tualatin High School (TuHS) programs.

Players in grades Kindergarten-2nd are encouraged to register for our local MVP program, and we'll see you next year for our 3rd grade Youth Rec division.  

*Grades are determined by School Registration (not birthdates).

Rec Ball Schedule

Youth Rec Ball (grades 3rd-8th)
Starts in Late October with Eval Day for our Middle School students.  Elementary school students will be placed on teams based on registered school.  Each team will have 2 one-hour practices each week starting in early November (exceptions would be school closures and event conflicts*). 

TYBA Youth Rec participates in the South Metro Recreational League (SMRL).  The SMRL consists of 7 other associations including Canby Junior Basketball, Horizon Christian School, Lake Oswego Youth Basketball, Lakeridge Pacer Youth Basketball, 
Sherwood Basketball Organization, Tigard Basketball Association, West Linn Youth Basketball Association, and Wilsonville Basketball Association.  Scheduled by the SMRL, each team can expect to play 1 or 2 games on Saturdays, starting in December, and an End-of-Season Jamboree in early March (also on a Saturday).

HS Rec Ball (grades 9th-12th)
Starts in late November.  There will be 2 one-hour practices each week (exceptions would be school closures and event conflicts*).  Games start in December and run through early March.  Each team can expect to play 8-10 games in a season, with an End-of-the-Season Tournament and an All-Star Game.  These games will be scheduled on Saturdays, Sundays, or sometime during the week!

Your registration for either Rec Ball programs will include a reversible game jersey.

*We follow the TTSD calendar for all gym closures and availability.  

Rec Ball Program Focus

The objective of Tualatin Youth Basketball Association (TYBA) Rec programs is to offer a youth-oriented basketball program focusing on individual growth, sportsmanship, and team play, all while providing a positive learning experience for our participants and volunteers.

We encourage all parents, coaches, relatives, and players to take a positive approach to the game of basketball and to assist each organization in helping to develop basic fundamental basketball skills. We will encourage and support quality coaching, teaching the highest principles of sportsmanship and fair play, and ensuring an overall positive experience for all participants.

TYBA will utilize the National Federation of State High School Association’s (NFHSA) rules with modifications made for grade levels. There are some unique rules, especially at the younger grades, in order to make the game age appropriate and to promote a recreational and developmental game of basketball. There will be strict adherence to the principles of good sportsmanship and fair play. Coaches are directed to ensure that each player has fun, without necessarily emphasizing winning.

The rules of good sportsmanship extend to all players, coaches, and supporters. TYBA has adopted a zero-tolerance policy of verbal or physical abuse. The referee, coach, or TYBA Board member(s) monitoring the game or practice may eject any player, coach, or spectator not complying with this policy at any time. 

Remember: keep the fun in the game!  It’s all for our kids.


Youth Rec Evals

Rec ball is all about balanced play and fun!  In the spirit of providing that environment, TYBA holds a Youth Rec Evaluation Day for our Middle School athletes where our volunteer coaches evaluate the skills of the players and draft each player onto their teams (Rules of the Draft can be found in the "Links" box of the Coaches section of this website).  This helps balance the teams to provide fun for all!  The date and time of Eval Day is found below.  Simply find your registered group time, grab your water bottle and a ball, and arrive about 15-20 minutes prior to your start time to check-in.  And if you haven't already, register your athlete and mark your calendars!

-Eval Day 2024 (Times are subject to change)-

Hazelbrook Middle School

Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2024
4PM-5PM: BOYS - 6th grade; & GIRLS - 6th grade
5PM-6PM: BOYS - 7th & 8th grade; & GIRLS - 7th & 8th grade

Coaches will participate in The Draft in the Hazelbrook Commons immediately following your groups evaluation.  Elementary School athletes will no longer be participating in Evaluation Day.  These players will be placed on teams by TYBA Board Members based on their registered school.

HS Rec Ball

The Tualatin Youth Basketball Association (TYBA) High School Recreational Ball (HS Rec) has partnered with Tualatin High School (TuHS) to offer our athletes, coaches, and spectators the opportunity to compete in high school gyms for every game. Currently, TuHS is the only local school that uniquely allows our HS Rec basketball teams to use their facilities.  With that opportunity, it is the responsibility of TYBA's community to adhere to the expectations of both TYBA and TuHS.

TuHS events take priority over TYBA games.  In the case of conflicts, TuHS events will be completed first and TYBA games and/or practices will be re-scheduled. The TYBA will do their best to communicate schedule changes as they occur; however, please keep in mind this does not eliminate the possibility of last minute schedule changes.

All TYBA participants should act as stewards of TuHS and it’s facilities. This includes exhibiting good behavior (no foul/rude language, no disorderly conduct), stay in designated areas, pick up trash, no gum/food in the gyms, and above all, respect the game.

Any issues or concerns before, during, or after a game should be brought to the attention of the appropriate TYBA Board Member, for not the TuHS staff. It is recommended that parents talk to coaches and coaches talk to the HS Rec VP or TYBA President.

Contact Us

Tualatin Youth Basketball Association

P.O. Box 803 
Tualatin, Oregon 97062

Email: [email protected]

Tualatin Youth Basketball Association

P.O. Box 803 
Tualatin, Oregon 97062

Email: [email protected]
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